Do you need help?

Who Qualifies?

Single people or childless couples aged 18+ with a connection to the Spelthorne area and who are:

  • Homeless or potentially homeless, or have a compelling need to move
  • Without sufficient resources for a deposit
  • On low wages or on benefit
  • Capable of taking financial responsibility for a tenancy
  • Able to manage & cope with running rented accommodation

How we help?
We offer support, advice and in some cases assistance with:

  • Your deposit for the tenancy in the form of a rent deposit guarantee for the landlord
  • Finding a property and setting up a tenancy with the landlord
  • Benefit eligibility and help with applications
  • On-going issues during the tenancy
  • Advice on other sources of charitable funds

If you think we may be able to help you, click here for more details.